Herbs for Your Reproductive Tractby Paula Youmell, RN Herbs are amazing, healing tools because herbs are whole foods. Whole foods nourish each and every cell in your...
How Women hold Space for one another : Acknowledgment as an act of the Sacredby Hollie B. lunation.com.au I give thanks to my dear Sister who agreed to my sharing of this story. I have chosen not to use her name....
HorMoon Awareness Guideby Leslie Botha Click here to download the HorMoon Awareness Guide A new book! Understanding Your Mind, Mood, and Hormone Cycle was...
How a hundered metres of red material changed my lifeBy Angelika Rodler The first time I saw a Red Tent was at a birth conference in Hungary in 2003. It was made of simple poster walls,...
An Invitation into the Red Tent (sound meditation mp3)by Delphine Demore, PhD It is dark inside the tent, with the light muted by the enclosure. At this late afternoon hour, the entire...
My Religionby Rebecca H. Jones Originally published on my blog, “Creatrix” – Creatrixlife.wordpress.com My religion is going to have a big Goddess,...
How Women hold Space for one another : Acknowledgment as an act of the Sacredby Hollie B. lunation.com.au I give thanks to my dear Sister who agreed to my sharing of this story. I have chosen not to use her name....
Space to Heal : a view of the ‘Angry Women Energies’by Hollie B. A few years ago my good friend Christiana Rose alerted me to an energy that she felt I needed to be aware of. She had met...