How a hundered metres of red material changed my lifeBy Angelika Rodler The first time I saw a Red Tent was at a birth conference in Hungary in 2003. It was made of simple poster walls,...
A Yearning for Woman-spaceby Lucy Pearce, The Happy Womb I find myself yearning at this my moon time, for woman-space, for the rhythm of women, the flow. For...
The Spiral WithinBy Charlotte Elaine From the earliest of our days we have been cradled by the rocking motion of the feminine. The vast prehistoric oceans...
January Video of the Month Clip#women #redtentdocumentary #redtentmovie #thingswedonttalkabout #menstruation #redtent #videoofthemonth
Beneath the Red TentBy Jacqueline Riquez The first time I found myself in a Red Tent, it was like a bolt of electricity : very powerful and hard to ignore !...
Sous la Tente Rougepar Jacqueline Riquez (We will feature the English translation of this story in the next post in 2 weeks). La première fois que je me...
Coming Home to Red"Coming Home to Red" a watercolor by Alma Dell Smith #AlmaDellSmith #RedTentart #RedTentwatercolor
Bone Knowing: No Questionby Oceana Leblanc Something I know in my body has placed me around the picture that I witness being colored and splashed, and painted...
An Unconventional Red TentBy Jayleigh On a warm weekend in July, a Red Tent was raised at the Culture Fest in Salem, MA. I attended for a few hours in support of...
Is it a Place or a Space?by Susan Eaton Mendenhall Where is ‘place’ within the spaces we live and see? Walls, streets, buildings give us place. Sky, fields, and...
Is the Red Tent for me?By Isadora Gabrielle Leidenfrost It is eight p.m. on Saturday– time to enter the Red Tent. The rain and clouds add to the darkness soon...